Nick and I would like to thank all of our dearest family and friends for simply being here for us. You all have done so much and have made such a remarkable positive difference in our lives. We cherish the friendship and love you gave us, and continue to give to us. Thank you for visiting our wedding website and honeymoon registry. You all have blessed our lives and we can’t wait to share our special day with you! |
We want to have our wedding right here in Palm Springs, California. The ceremony will be held in the afternoon and will be lovely! It's only a matter of time until I take those first steps down the aisle and experience that special moment where we see how amazing and timeless we both look. |
Please join us in celebrating our new lives together! There will be dining, dancing, drinks, live entertainment and good times! Our wedding reception will shortly follow our wedding and will be held at Enchanted Oak Park. |
For those of you who will be joining us for our romantic wedding and you are traveling from afar, you can book your flights and room reservations with our travel agent. To book your flights and reserve your rooms now, contact us so we can put you in touch with our travel agent. |
Nick and I would like to thank all of our dearest family and friends for simply being here for us. You all have done so much and have made such a remarkable positive difference in our lives. We cherish the friendship and love you gave us, and continue to give to us. Thank you for visiting our wedding website and honeymoon registry. You all have blessed our lives and we can’t wait to share our special day with you! |